LI Property Survey

Expediting Long Island are not licenced surveyors and do not provide surveys

LI Property Surveys & Radius Maps

As part of their full service expediter service, Long Island Expediting can provide you with the name of a licensed surveyor to perform a survey of your property, lot, home or building. Land surveying is often a necessary part of obtaining C of O's for existing structures. Sometimes unlicensed additions are made prior to you owning your home, and in order to avoid costly code violations you're the one who becomes responsible for obtaining certificates of occupancy for all of these modifications.

In the special case where you're applying for a variance, land surveys and radius maps become even more necessary to show exactly where your property lines are established. Having a surveyor supply you with this info also becomes useful when you're planning to put up a fence, or want to know the full boundries your property extends to.

Expedited Surveying For Selling or Buying a Home

Mortgate lenders generally require a property survey before loaning money for a mortgage. Even if a survey has been done in the past, it may be considered too old to qualify in the sale. If you need your survey done quickly, Expediting Long Island can help. Be sure to mention any deadlines when calling us during business hours at: 631-772-4600. Alternatively, you can reach us anytime at our Contact Page.

Long Island Expediter Service